5 things to try in November

We’re lucky to have so many things to do in Brighton and Hove, so don’t let the cold weather stop you from trying something new in November. We’ve rounded up five of our favourites for you: Draw More Taking some time out to be creative is good for the mind, so head over to meet

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5 ways to support #socialsaturday2017

Social Saturday is taking place this Saturday, 14th October, so it’s the perfect time to think about supporting local businesses that put people and the planet first. We’ve picked 5 ways you can support Sussex businesses during #socialsaturday2017. Go on tour with The Big Lemon We love The Big Lemon, a social enterprise pioneering Brighton

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Goodmoney brings good food

Our list of foodie friends is getting bigger, so we thought we’d share some of the best ways to spend your Goodmoney vouchers and support local, independent businesses and suppliers, who are good enough to eat… Celebrate OctoberBest with Pizza Our members Fatto A Mano won a place in the Top 20 from Brighton’s Best

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Parent Survey + Prize Draw!

  [typeform_embed url=”https://goodmoney.typeform.com/to/YGn7dc” type=”embed”]

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One year on…

It’s one year since we launched Goodmoney gift vouchers so I thought I’d share some of our journey and plans. Firstly, I must say we’ve been delighted with how well Goodmoney gift vouchers have been received locally. In our first year we’ve sold £10,000! worth of gift vouchers and over 200 local businesses have joined

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Pitching at Brighton Soup

If you haven’t heard of Brighton Soup yet, you’re missing out. It’s a fantastic community version of Dragon’s Den and also a really fun evening out. Everybody chips in £4, which includes a choice of delicious homemade soups (even clam chowder!), generously provided by volunteers. You then listen to four quick pitches from local community

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hiSbe presents Goodmoney Saturday

Last Saturday 11th December, the amazing hiSbe hosted a special Goodmoney Saturday. They invited other Goodmoney members to set up in their ethical supermarket on York Place, filling the shop with wine, cheese, music, massage and more. Along with the Goodmoney team themselves, the shop was home to: The Bevy community-owned pub in Moulsecoomb with

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Avoid unwanted presents at Christmas

The run up to Christmas has been a great time for us to launch Goodmoney gift vouchers and start learning about our market. Christmas is obviously and an exceptionally busy time for the whole gift market and gift vouchers are no exception. In fact, the gift voucher and gift card market has been growing steadily

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Back in the Ideas Lab at TEDx Brighton

Goodmoney was back in the Ideas Lab at TEDx Brighton again this year. Last year we’d just had the idea of creating a gift voucher that could be spent with lots of independent local businesses – linking them up to create a better choice than a department store and getting more of the £20 million

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Latest TV interview

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